How to Enable Sharp TV Game Mode 4 Quick Steps


Step into the aesthetics and smoothness of the game. Be it casual gaming or an in-depth obsession with gaming, correct settings can make or break a user’s experience. Input lag is an ultimate letdown for any gamer. Sharp TVs have Game Mode which is meant to minimize the input lag so that the response time from your action to the picture showing on the screen is as short as possible. For all Sharp TV owners who want to make the most out of their device’s functionalities, the guide will explain how to turn On Game Mode for different models of a Sharp TV and how to best arrange the gaming rig.

How to Activate Game Mode On Sharp Android TV

Though straightforward, there are indeed steps that you need to take to activate the Game Mode feature on your Sharp Android TV. First of all, check that your Sharp Android TV is turned on and your gaming console is connected. Your TV remote comes with a ‘Home’ button you have to access the main menu. Highlight and click on the “Account Settings” normally indicated by a gear position and then click on “Picture Settings.” In the Picture Settings menu, select the “Game Mode” section which is located in the bottom right-hand corner of the Picture Menu.

That mode is useful if only the quality of the graphics is of concern. To Switch on the Game Mode, you pull the Other slider onto the required position. Playing games in this mode helps attain even faster response times and thus a favorable position in action-based competitive games. Upon activating the Game Mode, further tweaking of the other parameters such as brightness or contrast to the desired level is also advisable. This ensures that while input lag is minimized, your visual experience remains vivid and engaging.

Read: Dolby Digital on Sharp TV

Where is The Game Mode Button on Sharp Google TV?

In addition, sharp Google TV users can also improve their gaming experiences by switching to Game Mode. First, turn on your Sharp Google TV and confirm that your gaming console is turned on and connected. Use the remote control to turn on the main interface by pressing the “Home” button. Go to the ‘Settings’ and then select ‘Device Preferences’. In the Device Preferences section find a heading that says ‘Picture’. In this respect, finding the option, “Game Mode” will be brilliant.

By turning this on, you will make sure that there will be minimal input lag and that every movement you make using the controller will be viewed on the screen immediately after it’s done. This particular setting is very important in fast-paced games where you need to be very accurate and reactive. In addition to activating the Game Mode, the picture settings are also worth looking into. Improve your game experience even more by using picture mode features such as color temperature, sharpness, and more.

Where is Game Mode Located on Sharp Roku TV?

According to many players, the fact that it is possible to activate Game Mode on Sharp Roku TVs is an advantage. Here’s how to do it. First of all, turn on the Sharp Roku TV set and plug in a gaming console. After this, press the “Home” button on the remote that will open the main screen. Then, go to “Settings,” and then “TV Inputs.” Within TV Inputs, find the input source where your gaming console is connected.

Now, tap on ‘Settings’ and select ‘Picture Settings.’ Look for ‘Game Mode’ and change the option to ‘On.’ This will help reduce input lag making the game more satisfying and easy to play. After Game Mode, you may also want to change other screen parameters to make it more comfortable for you while playing. For instance, increasing the backlight or the color brightness will enhance the gaming experience even more.

How to Activate Game Mode On A Sharp Aquos TV

Is it really necessary to have an active game mode on a Sharp Aquos TV? Assuredly, Game Mode is also beneficial for its users. Here’s your step-by-step guide. In this regard, switch on the Sharp Aquos TV and make sure that the gaming console is properly connected. Use your remote to press the ‘Menu’ button and navigate to the on-screen menu. From there, select ‘Picture Settings’.

Now in the Picture Settings menu look for the ‘Game Mode’ option. Sticking on this will improve input lag reduction resulting in efficient gameplay. The overall quality of the game experience can be improved considerably as there is complete taming of the TV and processing frills offer. After enabling Game Mode, make sure to change other parameters like brightness and contrast. Such modifications can enhance these attributes as well as further make them visually pleasing thereby increasing the fun of the game.


Q: What are the advantages of using Game Mode on Sharp TVs?

A: Game Mode is a great feature that facilitates input lag, that is the time elapsed between your input in a game and when you see the result on the screen. This is a critical feature for highly competitive games that require quick reactions.

Q: Will switching to Game Mode reduce the picture quality of the TV?

A: Game Mode is reported to maintain some processing power for focus on the elimination of input lag. Additional positive features of the picture may however be toned down a little bit. Most users however think that is a small price to pay in exchange for faster response time.

Q: Anything other than games that can be done in Game Mode?

A: Game Mode is meant for games. Although it is also applicable in use on other spots, it is meant to focus on gaming and not on movies or shows.

Q: Is the Game Mode feature seen on every single model of the Sharp TV?

A: Game Mode features are available in most modern Sharp models irrespective of the type that is Android, Google, Roku, and Aquos TVs among other appliances. As every model is a bit different, always check your unit’s manual to ensure that it also has this feature.

Q: Is it necessary to always leave the Game Mode on?

A: No, Game Mode makes the most sense when you are playing the game. Other parameters might be used in other activities as in watching films when you will be requiring other settings for the best picture quality possible.


For competitive or even normal gaming on Sharp TVs, activating game mode provides distinct advantages. By reducing input lag, one guarantees their actions are displayed in the same instant as the actions are taken. Regardless of your gaming level – whether as an averagely interested ruin-ed player or a professionally engaged gamer, the knowledge and the employability of Game Mode depend a lot on how it will improve the individual’s ability to play harder.

However, for the owners of Sharp TVs and the fans of high-tech, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be afraid to go beyond what is provided and customize more settings, so the picture is comfortable to play out in different genres, which is probably worth it. Are you ready to elevate your enjoyment of gaming activities? Read how to turn on Game Mode and level up your performance.